Thursday, January 1, 2009

Yes, now and faster!

White Castle Microwaveables - New Year's Hangover Cure

White Castle Microwaveable

Happy New Year fellow conquesters.

To ring in the new year appropriately I wanted my first meal to be hamburgers. Unfortunately I spent the holiday in upstate New York at family member's house. They're still all asleep, my car is back home and I'm in a town that's miles from a great burger. What to do?

This is where my childhood years as a scout pay off. "Always Be Prepared," is the Cub / Boy scouts motto and today I most certainly followed it. I picked up a little somethin' somethin' along with my holiday mixers before the party.

Awwww White Castle, oh how I love thee. Let me count the ways. 1, in how many burgers come in a pack. Leave to the world's best slider chain to give you their goods any where, any time, so long as you have a microwave.
For a $1.99, you can't beat it! They only take 35 seconds to cook if already thawed! How can magic happen that quickly? Only the wizard high up in the White Castle tower can answer. Added bonus for me, they come exactly how I order them when I'm on location; cheese and onions only. No pickles or catsup for this purest. 

From all of us a Burger Conquest, we hope 2009 is a prosperous and happy year for all of you.

White Castle Microwavebales vs. New Year's Hangover - winner = me.

7 out of 10

Polish Mistakes. Make you're own joke.