This month the
Steak Club 7 paid a visit to
Rothman's Steak House. SC7 suffered something for the first time, we had a member quit. Big Datti Meltzer hung up his steak knife and retired from the crew. The BIG P.A. had a trial run as a new member and made it in. Welcome big guy.
But on to Rothaman's. I like steak .. A LOT and I like the old school vibe of a place like
Peter Luger's or the
Old Homestead. It gives a nice vibe to the meal. What I am not into is a old, rich man's vibe. It gives of a feeling or arrogance and steak should be for everyone. I knew the moment I walked when I saw the old man lounger singer and all the expensive suits that this was an old man's steak house.
I had the spinach and Stilton salad, which was quite good but I know the "wedgers" were unhappy with theirs. I'm told the shrimp, scallops and bacon combo was amazing. Then the steak. Oh man, they sure had a great looking porter house for 3. The strip side was fantastic but something wasn't exactly right with the filet side. I tried a bite of joeC's strip though and it was really tasty.
The potato, bacon and Gorgonzola croquettes were fantastic and the same for the hash browns. The dessert left room to be desired, the wine list was over priced and the service subscribed more to the tortoise side of the vs. hare theory.
Overall good but not great. I'll give it a 3 out of 5.